North Routt Fire Protection District: Station 2
North Routt Fire Protection District was founded in 1981, as a Special Tax District. It was formed under the guidlines of the Colorado statues. The primary tasks for the District were to provide fire response, rescue, and emergency medical services to the residents and visitors. of an area approximately 440 square miles. NRFPD service extends from mile marker 7 on Routt County Road 129, North to the Wyoming Border. Our Eastern border is the Continental Divide, while on the West, our boundary line is "just over the horizon". North Routt Fire was founded on a volunteer basis, and at its peak, saw over 20 regular volunteers. As time has gone by, and the industry has changed, NRFPD membership changed with it. We are now proud to have a combination department, boasting several volunteers, and a full-time staff made up of Chief, as well as 5 full time personnel and a full-time seasonal. We are proud to serve the community, which has also seen some substantial growth! As folks continue to recreate within our stunning district boundaries, all staff members, from the volunteers to the full-timers, are ready to be out the door, and on our way to help! When not engaged in a medical call, a rescue, or a fire incident, our staff is tirelessly training, to best serve the ones within our district lines. And of course, our volunteer force continues to show up, even after logging the many hours at their respective jobs. A big thanks to YOU, for being a large part of our history, and the history we write for future generations to see.